Terms and conditions of use
The site www.adidac.ro, hereinafter referred to as adidac.ro, is the property of S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L registered in the trade register through J05 / 1783/1994 and RO5731184, account opened at BRD Salonta. Use of this site implies acceptance of the terms and conditions below. We recommend reading these carefully. SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L assumes the right to modify these provisions without further notice. The latest version can be found by accessing the page called "Terms and Conditions".
SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L guarantees the user limited access, in personal interest (making online orders, information), on the site www.adidac.ro and does not give him the right to download or to modify partially or completely the site, to reproduces in whole or in part the site, to copy, sell / resell or exploit the site in any other way, for commercial purposes or contrary to the interests of S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L without its prior written consent. The right to create a web link to www.adidac.ro is limited, non-exclusive and revocable and is granted as long as it does not bring disadvantages of any kind for S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L or any of our partners, only after obtaining our written or email agreement.
1. The copyright of S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L on the information published on the site
The entire content of the www.adidac.ro site - images, texts, graphics, symbols, web graphics, emails, scripts, programs and other data - is the property of S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L and its suppliers and is protected by the Law for the protection of copyright (law no. 8/1996) and by the laws on intellectual and industrial property. Use without the consent of S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L of any of the elements listed above is punished according to the legislation in force. It is allowed to use the site www.adidac.ro only within the limits mentioned in this document.
2. The products and services offered by S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L on the website www.adidac.ro, pricing policy
SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L reserves the right to select its customers. The products sold through www.adidac.ro are new, in the original packaging of the manufacturer and at the time of delivery are accompanied by the invoice according to the legislation in force. The products and services are offered in compliance with the provisions of this document and within the available stock. For this reason S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L assumes the right not to honor a certain order in case the respective product is no longer in stock or in the current offer of the importer. The prices presented are regularly updated and include VAT (19%) but do not include delivery costs, unless expressly specified on the site. The purchase price printed on the invoice will be the same as the one established by the sales consultant of S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L when confirming the order as a firm order.
Despite our efforts, a small number of products may have the wrong prices on the site, erroneously set by our computer application. Under these conditions, the final price is always considered the one accepted by the customer in the discussions with the sales consultants of S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L If the actual price of the product is higher than the price displayed on the site, our sales consultants are entitled to satisfy your request to deliver the product at the price published on the site, only to the extent that we can do so, after as well as you are entitled to refuse the order. If the actual price is lower than the price published on the site, and you have paid the price in advance, the difference will be refunded as agreed, but not later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the product.
SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L does not offer any guarantee regarding, but not limited to the operation of this site, the information, the correctness of the descriptions, the updating of the content. Users expressly agree that the use of this site and the purchase of related products or services is at their own risk, the only derogation being the obligation of S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L to grant users the right to unilaterally terminate the contract according to the legislation in force (Art.1276 cf. Civil Code), as detailed below in this document. The images published on the site are posed in the studio and are in accordance with the products to be delivered. Due to the large number of products in some cases the products presented and those delivered may differ from the images presented in any way (color, accessories, appearance, etc.). The content of www.adidac.ro (texts, product descriptions, technical characteristics, images, symbols) is compiled in collaboration with the representatives of the respective producers in Romania. For this reason, S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L does not assume responsibility for the descriptions and specifications of the products displayed on the website www.adidac.ro, these being made available to us by the representatives of each brand or by the importers approved by them. SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L and its partners reserve the right to modify the technical specifications of the products without prior notice.
3. Products Order
The CUSTOMER / USER can place ORDERS on the SITE, by adding the desired PRODUCTS and / or SERVICES in the shopping cart, following to complete the ORDER by making the payment in one of the ways expressly indicated. Once added to the shopping cart, a PRODUCT and / or a SERVICE is available for purchase to the extent that stock is available for purchase. Adding a PRODUCT / SERVICE to the shopping cart, in the absence of completing the ORDER, does not entail the registration of the ORDER, implicitly also the automatic reservation of the PRODUCT / SERVICE. By completing the ORDER, the CUSTOMER agrees that all the data provided by him, necessary for the online purchase process, are correct, complete and true at the date of placing the ORDER. By completing the ORDER, the CUSTOMER agrees that S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L may contact you, by any means available / approved by S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L, in any situation in which it is necessary to contact the CUSTOMER. SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L may cancel the ORDER placed by the CUSTOMER, following a prior notification addressed to the CUSTOMER, without any subsequent obligation of any party to the other or without any party being able to claim damages from the other party in the following cases:
- non-acceptance by the issuing bank of the CLIENT's card, of the Transaction, in case of online payment;
- invalidation of the Transaction by the card processor approved by S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L in case of online payment;
- the data provided by the CUSTOMER on the SITE are incomplete and / or incorrect.
4. Payment of Products
Payment for products ordered from the S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L can be performed:
- when delivering the products through the express courier company Urgent Cargus (COD)
- with the card.
5. Delivery of Products
The products will be delivered anywhere in Romania, through the express courier company Urgent Cargus, within a maximum of 72 hours from the date of order validation, except on Saturdays and Sundays. SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L reserves the right to confirm orders before they are honored by contacting customers. The products are shipped in a maximum of 72 hours. Orders placed on the online store platform are registered non-stop, confirmation and delivery being made within the next 72 hours, except on Saturdays and Sundays. Orders are processed daily, from Monday to Friday, between 10 am and 5 pm. No deliveries are made on Saturdays and Sundays.
Delivery costs are:
- 20 RON
The above rates apply for packages weighing between 1 and 20 kg. In case of a package over 20kg, we will contact the customer in order to discuss the delivery options. If the delivery cannot be made due to the refusal in any form of the customer, after the prior telephone information of the customer, it will be entered in the database of the company S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L and will no longer be able to place orders from the electronic store www.adidac.ro
The reception of the products represents the customer's acceptance that the products have arrived in good condition. The invoice constitutes the sale / purchase contract according to the Romanian legislation in force. The customer expressly agrees when signing the Shipping Bulletin or the AWB regarding the fact that he has received the product (s) which is (are) in accordance with the order and its needs. SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L reserves the right to delay or cancel deliveries of ordered products if they cannot be honored for reasons beyond S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L which include: fires, explosions, floods, epidemics, earthquakes, strikes, government actions, wars, acts of terrorism, protests, riots, civil unrest or other force majeure impediments according to Romanian law. The maximum amount of damages that can be paid by S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L to any customer in case of non-delivery or improper delivery is the value of the amount collected by S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L from this client.
6. Transfer of Product Ownership
Unless otherwise agreed by S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L and the CUSTOMER, the ownership over the PRODUCTS will be transferred upon delivery, after making the payment from the CUSTOMER in the location indicated in the ORDER (understanding by delivery the signature of receipt of the transport document provided by the Courier deliveries made in stores).
7. Product Warranty
The commercial guarantee is 30 days from the date of purchase of the products with the obligation to keep the purchase invoice, proof of payment, intact packaging, respectively the instructions for use received at the time of purchase. Consumer rights are respected in accordance with Law no. 449/2003, OG 21/1992 and with Law no. 296/2004. The guarantee granted does not affect the consumer's rights provided by the legislation in force. Shipping of the products to the supplier will be done at the expense of the buyer. If S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L cannot replace the product with a compliant one, it will refund the value of the product within 30 days from the return date. After-sales service and product warranties are provided by importing companies. When purchasing products that require warranty and after-sales service, you will receive warranty certificates offered by the brand's importers in Romania together with details for their subsequent contact.
For any additional information do not hesitate to contact us: Tel: .0748193641 Email: office@adidac.ro Guaranteeing the quality and conformity of the services offered by www.adidac.ro through S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L the granting of guarantees and the return of products are made in accordance with the specific legislation in the field, respectively: OG 130/2000 on the legal regime of distance contracts, republished with previous amendments, OG 21/1992 on consumer protection, republished (2), with subsequent amendments and completions, Law 148/2000 on advertising, with subsequent amendments and completions, Law 365/2002 on electronic commerce, republished, GD 1308/2002 on the approval of the Methodological Norms for the application of Law 365/2002 on electronic commerce, Law no. 363/2007 of 21/12/2007 on combating incorrect practices of traders in relation to consumers and harmonization of regulations with European legislation on consumer protection, with subsequent amendments, Law 193 of 06/11/2000 on abusive clauses in contracts concluded between traders and consumers, republished (r2), with subsequent amendments, Order no. 72 of 11/03/2010 on some consumer information measures, Law 455/2001 on electronic signatures, Law 506/2004 on the processing of personal data and protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector, as subsequently amended and supplemented, Law 677 / 2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, as subsequently amended and supplemented, Regulation 6/2006 issued by the NBR on the issuance and use of electronic payment instruments and relations between participants in such transactions instruments, as specified on the official website of the National Authority for Consumer Protection in Romania www.anpcnet.ro. For additional details we are at your disposal at Tel: 0748193641 L - V: 10-18.
8. Right of Return of Purchased Products
Consumatorul are dreptul sa NOTIFICE in SCRIS comerciantului ca renunta la cumparare, fara penalitati si fara invocarea unui motiv, in termen de 14 zile lucratoare de la primirea produsului, conform OUG 34/2014 privire la regimul juridic al contractelor la distanta. Singurele costuri care pot cadea in sarcina consumatorului sunt cheltuielile directe de returnare a produselor. Termenul de 14 zile prevazut pentru exercitarea acestui drept incepe sa curga, pentru produse, de la data primirii lor de catre consumator. In cazul exercitarii dreptului de denuntare unilaterala a contractului de catre consumator, comerciantul are obligatia sa ramburseze sumele platite de consumator fara a-i solicita acestuia cheltuielile aferente rambursarii sumelor. Rambursarea sumelor se va face in cel mult 30 de zile de la data denuntarii contractului de catre consumator. Consumatorul poate sa-si prezinte reclamatiile in scris la sediul social: Str Gh.Baritiu 15/a, Salonta,Bihor sau adresa de e-mail: office@maturisiunelte.ro ale comerciantului S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L orar: L – V: 10 – 18
According to the specified legislation in force, the RETURN of a product can be made only after the WRITTEN NOTIFICATION of the trader, in the ORIGINAL PACKAGING and without being USED, accompanied by all the labels and related documents received at the time of delivery of the order. Payment for return shipping is the sole responsibility of the customer. Products that show physical changes, bumps, shards, scratches, shocks, etc. are not accepted for return. or without the original packaging. The destination address for return packages is: Salonta, Cantacuzino, no. 22
9. User Comments On the Website www.adidac.ro
Users who access the www.adidac.ro site may comment on the products offered, which may be published on the site after prior approval. SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L reserves the right, but not the obligation, not to publish comments on the site with illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory content, which in any way disturbs the privacy of others, infringes intellectual property rights, contains viruses, texts representing mass emails or any other form of spam. SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L will not be liable and will not be liable for any damages for any damages caused by such comments or electronic communications, they being offered under the same limitation of liability as the rest of the content on the site, according to articles in this document. In case of sending some information, other than those related to the process of buying / selling some products, it is considered that the user confers to the company S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L and its partners the non-exclusive, unlimited, free, irrevocable and retransmissible right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, as well as the right to distribute it by any means anywhere.
The user guarantees that he has all the rights over the content that he transmits in any way to be published on the site or not, so that, by using this content, he will not cause harm to any other person.
10. Quality of hosting services, links to other sites, operating errors
The site www.adidac.ro is hosted by the servers of a third company. SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L cannot be held responsible for any errors on the site regardless of the reasons for their occurrence, including changes to the site, settings, or updates of the programmed scripts. SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L will not be held liable for errors due to the use of certain browsers for visiting the site www.adidac.ro. SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L is not responsible for the content, quality or nature of the sites reached through links on the site www.adidac.ro. For those sites, the full responsibility lies with the owners of the sites in question.
11. Subscribe and unsubscribe to the newsletter
Subscribing and unsubscribing to the newsletter of the www.adidac.ro site is free and voluntary, and implies acceptance of the following terms of use. Sent messages are not unsolicited and you can unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions in the footer of each email. Unsubscribing from the www.adidac.ro newsletter is done in a maximum of 48 hours according to the legislation in force. The messages sent comply with the Electronic Commerce Law (Law no. 365/2002) regarding the commercial communication as it is stipulated by the Romanian and international legislation. The use of the newsletter is made in the same conditions of limitation of liability from the point of view of the content as the use of the site is authorized, under the conditions provided by this document, and the privacy policy is described in detail in the next section. SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L holds all the rights over the content of the newsletter sent to the subscribers under the same conditions as for the information published on the site, in accordance with the provisions of this document.
The subscribers of the www.adidac.ro newsletter may resend these commercial communications to other persons, on their own responsibility, and in the conditions in which they have not modified neither the structure nor the content of the respective messages. The persons who received the commercial messages from the subscribers of the newsletter www.maturisiunelte..ro, are considered to have been informed in advance by the subscribers about the provisions of this article. In this context, S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L cannot be held liable in any way for the actions of its subscribers. SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L reserves the right to restrict the access of any subscriber to the newsletter, if it has any reason to believe that the subscriber does not comply with the provisions of this document.
12. Privacy Policy
SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L is a personal data operator registered with the National Authority for the Supervision of Personal Data Processing under no. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L guarantees the security and confidentiality of the data hosted and transmitted through its computer system. This information may be used by S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L to send the user the order confirmation, various special offers, promotions, etc. only with the prior consent of the client. Providing personal data to S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L does not imply any obligation on the part of the users and they may refuse to provide this data in any circumstances and may request their deletion from the database free of charge. Any such request / notification in order to delete them from the database will be given, signed and sent by the person registered in the database by e-mail to office@adidac.ro . SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L undertakes that the personal data will not be disseminated to third parties except for the direct marketing operator. However, personal data may be transmitted to the authorities entitled to verify commercial transactions or to other authorities entitled to carry out any verifications justified under the law, if this is required in accordance with the laws in force. Due to the way in which the personal data stored by the system www.maturisiunelte.ro are transmitted electronically, S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L cannot be held responsible in any way for their loss or for the copying of information by unauthorized persons, through the use of interception equipment or software. Upon notification of S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L will take all the measures and will make available all the necessary files to the competent bodies empowered to solve this type of crime. The information provided to S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L are used only for the purpose for which they were introduced (placing orders, sending messages to staff, subscribing to the newsletter, etc.), according to the laws in force. SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L does not provide your e-mail address to third parties, does not encourage spam, and does not make public the data provided by its customers without their explicit consent. SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L certifies that it will respect the rights conferred by Law no. 677/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, of Law no. 365/2002 on electronic commerce, as well as Ordinance no. 130/2000 on consumer protection when concluding and executing distance contracts with subsequent amendments. These rights include (non-limiting):
- the right to claim S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L to confirm the processing or not of your personal data, free of charge;
- the right to claim S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L to rectify, update, block or delete, free of charge, those data provided whose processing is not in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 677/2001;
- the right to claim S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L to stop, free of charge, the processing of your personal data;
- the right to claim S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L to stop sending promotional messages.
Any such request / notification will be given, signed and sent by the person registered in the database by e-mail to office@maturisunelte.ro www.maturisiunelte.ro uses security measures against loss, alteration or misuse of information which is under our control.
SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L cannot be held responsible for the errors occurred as a result of the user's negligence regarding the security and confidentiality of his account and password. SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L cannot be held liable in any way for the loss or alteration of personal data stored by www.maturisiunelte..ro for the purpose specified in this document. Any access to the database with personal information of www.adidac.ro users, including any unauthorized access attempt, will be recorded in an access file. The access files will make it possible for S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L of the persons who accessed personal data without a legitimate reason, in order to notify the competent bodies. Any attempt to access the personal data of another user, to modify the content of the site or to affect the performance of the server running the site www.adidac.ro, will be considered an attempt to defraud the site www.adidac .ro and will launch a criminal investigation against the person or persons who initiated this action.
13. Final Provisions
Any other problem caused by the products and services presented on www.adidac.ro and which is not already addressed by any article in this document, will be resolved amicably within 30 working days from the date of written notification of the problems, by the user.
If the dispute has not been settled amicably, the Romanian courts or an alternative dispute resolution body, agreed by both parties, shall have jurisdiction. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions of Use of the www.adidac.ro site, the customer fully assumes the consequences arising from the use of the site under these conditions.
14. Disclaimer
The content of the materials offered on this site is strictly informative. The information provided on this site is not a medical recommendation. The concrete solution of your problems requires the help of competent specialized staff from an authorized institution. The site administrator, S.C. ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L does not assume any responsibility and does not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.
15. Declaration of Conformity
SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX S.R.L in accordance with art. 5 of H.G. No. 1022/2002 on the regime of products and services that may endanger life, health, safety at work and environmental protection, declares on its own responsibility that it ensures and guarantees that the products and / or services presented on this site for purchase, do not endanger life, work safety, do not produce a negative impact on the environment and are in accordance with national and international standards in the field.