• founded 1994


    specializes in the production of sorghum brooms and wooden tails for brushes, brooms, mops and tools.
  • founded 1994


    specializes in the production of sorghum brooms and wooden tails for brushes, brooms, mops and tools.
  • founded 1994


    specializes in the production of sorghum brooms and wooden tails for brushes, brooms, mops and tools.
  • founded 1994


    specializes in the production of sorghum brooms and wooden tails for brushes, brooms, mops and tools.

Why we are special

We are guided by values that inspire us to grow with those we team up with and to invest energy and passion in ourselves, our products, and our customers.


Our main customers are large chain stores and large retailers in Germany, the United Kingdom and Switzerland, about 75% of our own production being allocated to exports, the remaining 25% being distributed in the country.


We are confident in our ability to deliver the desired products in the shortest possible time and at a quality we can be proud of when the product comes out of the factory gate.


The products that leave our premises are carefully checked to ensure that each of them meets all the necessary criteria. Their supply is made in the shortest possible time and at a superior quality, which we are proud of.


We are the only factory in Europe that ensures a large part of its production by cultivating and exploiting sorghum for a constant supply, but also its own production of tails that enter the process of making brooms.

In the process of creating wooden tails, we let ourselves be guided by perfection

We align with Excellence before selecting each piece of wood to be picked up and processed carefully so that the final product reaches its maximum potential.

Brooms and tails

Perii industriale

Industrial brushes

Perfect for cleaning hard surfaces.
Greble metalice zinc sau fier

Metal rakes

Robust garden tools, easy to handle.

Sorg broom | 5 stitches

Classic broom enhanced with an extra row of seams to increase strength and make the cleaning process easier.

Comunicat de presă – Descrierea proiectului

Dezvoltarea Activității SC ADIDAC COMIMPEX SRL prin dotarea cu utilaje și echipamente

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ADIDAC COMIMPEX SRL, Înreg. la Oficiul Reg. Com.
J05 /1783 /1994, CUI RO5731184, Salonta - Bihor, Romania.
BRD – Groupe Société Générale – Salonta
IBAN ROBRDE050SV03028500500